Putrajaya Breakfast Run – Event Day

The runner arrived as early as 6am in the morning. The weather a bit cloudy and really perfect for the event. Everybody in high spirit and those who brought their family are the most who enjoyed it. The kids was running around, having fun. And some of it still sleepy and yawning.


According to the NST, it was more than 20,000 people from all walk of life joined the event. Ten thousand runners participated in the Fun Run, with the 7km run designed for serious runners and the 3km run tailored for parents and children.

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We started our day with a glass of Herbalife Aloe drink to provide healthy enzymes for our body. The main point for the Aloe is to improve our digestive system. So you won’t busy to find washroom while you’re running.

And then, 30 minute before the run started, to fuel out body, we had  Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritious Drink and mix with Herbalife Formula 3 Protein. We love to prepare our shake with milk. The good thing about the shake for those ‘calorie concern’, it’s just 98 kcal and about 150-200 kcal if you prepared it with milk.


We manage to finish within the time frame given and received the participation medal. One of our friend (who also Herbalife user), Romain from France completed the race and place in the top 30. How do you feel when your are in the top 30 out of 20,000 participant? WOW! Congratulation Romain!

After the race we had our shake again for the recovery. We brought Vanilla flavor and Romain and his wife really enjoy it! I can’t wait for Herbalife 24 to be introduced in Malaysia. Herbalife 24 is  complete set of Nutritious fuel for the athlete.



And I met this guy, quite old actually. He’s one of the finisher. Another big inspiration for us!

Stay healthy, stay fit! Enjoy your shake!