Push the Limit – Speedy Uphill

Niner 29

Only 2 riders in action today, it was me and Lae. I was excited to cycle with him and his new bike, Niner 29″. The bike was superb and sturdy. Don’t ask him the price, he might probably say, “It was not for sale, it’s champion maaa”.

Niner - push the limit
Niner Source: Forum MTBR

The Niner is straight up one of the most fun All-Mountain bikes that Lae’ve ridden. Previous bike was Look, and it’s 26″. Look was served well but it’s really light and most of the time it’s ‘flying’ when we cycle offroad.

Push to the limit - Trail
Push to the limit – Trail

I can only trail him from the back and my plan was to do ‘leisure’ ride because I was caught with flu. But when we reached the most daunting hill at Puncak Jalil, I can’t resist my adrenaline to try to push to the limit. I speed up right before the traffic light turn green and paddle all the way up to the Petronas pump station on the top of the hill.

Push to the limit - gain
Push to the limit – gain

I left Niner far behind but I think my face turned green. Really tired and out of breath. The flu really pulled me back and all the muscle fatigue attacked right when I was in the mid of the hill slop. But it’s worth to Push The Limit …

I fuelled my workout for recovery using Herbalife Formula 1 mixed with Herbalife Protein. Really refreshing …