Tips to Overcome – I am Afraid to go Gym! – Tip 1

Are you scared of going to the gym?

Walking into a huge open room with hundreds of mysterious machines is tough and what’s worse is that the members seem to be in great shape and know exactly what they’re doing. I’m really afraid to go gym!

Learn how to conquer your gym fear to lose weight or build muscle and gain confidence at the gym.

Tip #1: What is Your Motivations

Ask yourself, “Why do I want to go to the gym?”

You’re motivated to do something when there’s a compelling reason for doing it, such as:

*I want to lift weights so I can excel at a certain sport.
*I want to run on treadmills so I can eventually climb a mountain.
*I want to take a yoga class to calm my mind and ease my anxiety.
You’ll also notice that these motivations are very specific. They’re not merely personal — they’re precise. You have a clear understanding of what will happen if you get yourself into a gym. There’s nothing iffy about what you want.

Your motivation will keep you focused and let you rationalise the moments where it all seems too hard.