Rok Bagoros Speedy Recovery

Rok Bagoros

I’d a chance to meet up with Rok Bagoros at Shell Advance MotoGP held in Sepang International Circuit last weekend. Hafiz was really happy to get his autograph. He watched Rok’s performing with his KTM Duke in Youtube so many times and really admire his talent, rigorous training and determination. That was some of his few trip to Malaysia. But this one is a bit special. He just recovered from serious ligament injury.

Hafiz with Rok Bagoros

All this while, he only see Uncle Fadzil and his Duke. This time, the experience was different; the loud sound of the engine, the smoke of the tyre and the flame that Rok’s ignited with his Duke’s tail, was really beyond the imagination.

Once a while Hafiz jump on his the Duke, and pretend to be him. Unfortunate a few month back Uncle Fadzil was badly injured due to accident, so he no longer can ride on his Duke. Hafiz wish Uncle Fadzil will recover as quickly as Rok Bagoros.

I would like to share how Rok’s gone through the recovery process with the help of proper nutrition, workout and good care of his doctor. Watch the video below and you can see he used Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake mixed with Herbalife Protein and his favourite fruits. This combination provides 15 grams protein for recovery and also additional of 55 nutrition which provides him a balance meal.

Enjoy the video, Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, More Ibadah.

This is his entry in his Youtube:

“Last 6 months of my life were captured trough the lens of my GoPro cameras. All started last august when I tore my knee ligaments during stunt show in Austria. It happened in worst possible time, just before 10 week tour across 3 continents.
It is unnecessary to explain how this first big injury hit me! It Until than I was pretty lucky and nothing serious happened to me.

I was forced to change my lifestyle, it was a real shock! I was cut off from my daily routine full of sports, training and adrenaline. Heck, I had to buy a TV screen since until than I never had any free time to watch TV.

I had to be patient and focused on positive aspect of my suddenly different lifestyle, which was filled with rehabilitation programme. All this 6 months I was anxious to start moving my leg normally, to start walking, running and above all riding my KTM Duke! Now when I’m back, in top physical form and eager for the new shows and performing new tricks, I can’t thank enough to all friends, fans, sponsors and family, for great support. Your words, messages, and positive thoughts gave me a lot of mental strength to train hard for my fast recovery. This injury made me stronger, I now train 3-4 days per week in a gym and raised up the game to higher level. Professional stunt riding is a tough sport, but I really missed the action and I hardly wait to see you at the shows. Now let’s go stuntriding, RockON!”

Source: Rok Bagoros Youtube.