Featured in Rapi Magazine – From Potato Couch And Become A Coach

  1. From Potato Couch And Become A Coach

Check out the latest Rapi Magazine (edition February 2016), The No.1 Wellness Magazine in Malaysia for exclusive sharing of GoFitWith.Me Coach Fadillah and her mentee Qamarina.

Qamarina lost 30kg and Fadillah lost 22kg
Qamarina lost 30kg and Fadillah lost 22kg

Their journey toward healthy active lifestyle was different and was a yoyo journey. But both of their stories was amazing and inspiring. Grap it now at your nearby magazine stall and read the detail story.

Rapi February 2016


Fadillah’s Amazing Journey

Coach Fadillah's story on how she loss 22kg
Coach Fadillah’s story on how she loss 22kg

Coach Fadillah, 41 years old, shared a few tips in her food intake. She took healthy Herbalife Shake in the morning and night. The shake provides 55 nutrients and it contain the whole meal that required by our body including carbo, protein and vitamin.

Look at Fadillah's amazing transformation. Inspiring!
Look at Fadillah’s amazing transformation. Inspiring!

While on the lunch, she took the good source of food. A lot of vegetables. She avoided excessive fat and watch the amount of carbohydrate. A sweet drink is a big no no during the meal. “Carbohydrate will turn into sugar at the end of the meal cycle. If we took it excessively, it’ll will turn into fat”, she added.


She also remind us to take a right amount of water through out the day.


Qamarina’s Awesome Transformation

Qamarina lost 30kg and she feel awesome!
Qamarina lost 30kg and she feel awesome!

Qamarina’s wake up call when she was called as ‘makcik’ (Untie) by people because when she’s overweight, she looked old that her age. She is 32 years old now and look young after her transformation.


She shared in the article her awesome journey on loosing 30kg of weight and mainly fat. She believe in the main slogan of 80% nutrition, 20% exercise and a 100% mindset. “With the right coach and surround yourself with positive people, you’ll get the better result”, she said determinedly.

Qamarina's stories on how she loss 30kg.
Qamarina’s stories on how she loss 30kg.

For her healthy nutrition intake, Qamarina and her family took Herbalife Shake in the morning. For other meal, she will watch the calorie intake. She added more vegetables and fruit.


If both of them can do it. For sure you also can do it too!


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Get Fit, Get Healthy and More Ibadah.