AngsaSuperVet Wounded Badly After Loss 6-1 To BalikPulauFC

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - All

BalikPulauFC struggled to get their rhythm in the early minutes of the first game. But later they regroup and played a simple game. The result was fruitful, they end up scored in average 2 goals in each game (we played 3 games).

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - Ref

BalikPulauFC’s striker managed to pass the offside trapped set by AngsaSuperVet and easily hit AngsaSuperVet and most of it is one -to-one situation.

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - Team

During the break, some analysis of the game was briefed by Capt Sufian and lack of communication was the main area that they need to improve.

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - Eric Badol

The situation worsen in AngsaSuperVet team as team spirit was really down. The injury in the second game, added the wounded, plus there was only one reserved player, which is me. Our defender was limping due to hamstring strain. PokNik as the striker also caught with the same injury. (We’re still not sure it was real injury or a usual escapes to go back early … Hahaha … we’re still drawing our hypothesis on this). On the last minute of second game, Captain called me to guard the left back. Unfortunate still no luck for AngsaSuperVet. Erik received a great pass and hit hard to their post but BalikPulauFC’s goalkeeper blocked it. Erik got another chance when the ball bounced back, but the kicked was effortless and saved by their keeper.

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - Koff

In the third game I switched with Joe and play left wing. A few chances from the centre and right side, but the BalikPulauFC defender was hard and creative to steal the ball back. Some loop ball pass to me was halted by offside trap. We granted a free kick when Suffian was tackled outside the D area. The kicked was at the strategic hit area but it was over steer and over the goal post. The only goal for AngsaSuperVet was from my header when the ball pass high by midfielder over their defender.

AngsaSuperVet vs BalikPulauFC - All

Another great sweating night for all of us. We’ll try again definitely. To prepare for the game, I fuel myself with Herbalife Formula 1 Shake mix with Whey Protein 30 minutes before the game. And during the game, to replace the mineral lost I drank Aloe drink mix with TeaMix. For recovery after the game, this time I didn’t take the protein bar, I just mix Herbalife Formula 1 Shake mix with Whey Protein. Always feel great when your you’re fuelled it like a champions

Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, More Ibadah …