How to Get Fit Like Beckham?


Well, most of us is not a professional athlete. But we do want to know how their training regime. Check out this snapshot of his training regimen, courtesy of Chris Neville, fitness coach of the Los Angeles Galaxy.

Men’s Health Magazine provide the modified version of the 5-week workout, which they’d tweaked slightly for the average guy. (After all, Beckham is one of the fittest men on earth.) And while you may not be competing at world-class level, this high-intensity interval plan will help you look as if you do.

Perform your challenge twice a week at an intensity tailored to your maximum heart rate (MHR). To estimate your MHR, subtract your age from 220. Then use a heart-rate monitor to ensure you’re training at the prescribed percentage. (Just multiply the percentage given in each workout by your MHR to find your target heart rate.)


Beckham’s Workout
5-minute run
Intensity: 85% MHR
Rest: 4 minutes
Sets: 3

Your Challenge
5-minute run
Intensity: 75% MHR
Rest: Until your heart rate is 60% of your MHR
Sets: As many runs as you can do in 30 minutes


Beckham’s Workout
2-minute run
Intensity: 90% MHR
Rest: 2 minutes
Sets: 7

Your Challenge
3-minute run
Intensity: 90% MHR
Rest: Until your heart rate is 60% of your MHR
Sets: As many as you can do in 20 minutes


Beckham’s Workout
1-minute run
Intensity: 95% MHR
Rest: 1 minute
Sets: 15

Your Challenge
1-minute run
Intensity: 85% MHR
Rest: 1 minute
Sets: 5 or 6


Beckham’s Workout
60-yard turnarounds (sprint 60 yards, turn around, and sprint back)
Intensity: 20 seconds total per out-and-back sprint
Rest: 1 minute
Sets: 8 to 10

Your Challenge
60-yard turnarounds (sprint 60 yards, turn around, and sprint back)
Intensity: 30 seconds per sprint
Rest: 2 1/2 minutes
Sets: 3 or 4


Beckham’s Workout
60-yard sprint
Intensity: As hard as possible
Rest: 10 seconds
Sets: 8 to 10

Your Challenge
60-yard sprint
Intensity: As hard as you can
Rest: 20 seconds
Sets: 3 or 4

Well guys, stay healthy, stay fit!!

Featured Image, photographs by: Anthony Mandler
Source: Men’s Health