21 Days Challenge Season 4 Winner Announcement

This season was pretty awesome! There were 23 people participate and it’s a mix of the previous participant and a new comer. Woott, wooott!


The price giving ceremony was held during the Merdeka Celebration. It’s very joyful and full of energy. The spirit was high and everybody was pumped up!


And the winner are as follows:


Overall Winner

1st Place –  Teacher Tan!

By the end of this challenge, she loss 3.6% of her weight and loss 3.6% of her fat. Wow!


2nd Place – Aime

This time, she loss 1.5% of her weight and 2.9% of her fat. Amazing!


3rd Place – Kak Timah

In this season, she loss 3.6% of weight and 3.0% of fat. Superb!


Category Winner

Weight Loss – Siti Maisarah

She loss 8% of her weight within this challenge!


Fat Loss – Siti Maisarah

Siti Maisarah is also the winner for this category. She loss 10% of her fat within this challenge!


Gain Muscle – Ruwaida

She gained 2.7% of muscle within this challenge. Wow!


Congratulation to all the winner and participant


Go Fit, Go Healthy and more deeds