Popular New Year Resolution

New year just around the corner and it seems just so fast. As if last week we’re about to chart our resolution for next year and compare it with last year’s one.

I still remember the statistic shown by Neilsen in January 2015 for the most popular new year resolution of 2015. The top 2 were of course related to the diet and lose weight. And it was the same as of the previous year and a year before. Well, I guess this year, the most popular new year resolution is still the same, it’s about health.

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Well, we know that health is the major concern for all of us because we know that the biggest wealth is health. It’s no point (I’m just saying) if you can own Ferrari but you’re in the wheel chair due to health problem. You can’t enjoy it.


It’s sad, but it’s so true.


Let’s go back to the statistic, Neilsen studied deeper the relation between the finding and compare it to the last year’s resolution / plan / action. And they found out how consumers are planning to meet their health and fitness goals, what is surprising, is how this year’s resolutions stack up against last year’s behavior. For example, 43% of Americans say they plan to lose weight by making healthier food choices, but 76% said they did not follow a weight loss or diet program in 2014.


So, I can summarize it that, your new year resolution is plan to be perfect if you combine with few steps. For example, don’t do it alone. Do it with coach. Contact us and you’ll find the best coach ready to hand holding you. Second, change your diet or eating lifestyle and not only your workout routine. It’s 80% about nutrition and 20% exercise. Not the other way around.


And in GoFitWith.Me, we wrap that 80/20 principle with 100% commitment.


Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, More Ibadah.


Happy New Year!


In the meantime, enjoy the motivation video below:


Thai Weight Loss Commercial

Thai Weight Loss Commercial. Funny!

Posted by John Thomas on Thursday, June 27, 2013